To create a tall bike must be made sketches and design, then looking for wreck of a bike at a flea market junk, most are in Berbah, Sleman. After finding the required items such as a bike frame, chain, gear, steering, etc., then assembled by welding. we can choose height and shape as desired bicycle initial sketches. For fees by wreck of a bike and costs required assembling the bike just under 300 thousand rupiah.When assembling the bike is actually quite short is about a week. But time could be delayed, because the community members should seek and sort out the trashy stuff at Berbah Sleman to be in the bicycle-recycle so desired.
For safety cycling, brakes always installed on either side of handlebar. Low and high bicycles, shocks that frames are used. There is a uses by two frame BMX bikes, mountain bike or two order by modifying certain sections so safe to use when driving around town,there is also just added with the steel.The steer must be symmetrical, if not symmetrical so uncomfortable to ride, and the brake must grip,so we consider cycling safety.
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